Documents for familiarization
Tariffs of JSC "PRAVEX BANK" for cash and settlement services** from 01.11.2024
General tariffs for cash and settlement services for current accounts of individuals from 01.01.2024
Basic tariffs for cash and settlement services of current account Pravex Famiglia from 01.11.2024
Tariffs for settlement and cash servicing of PRAVEX RECORD current accounts from 01.10.2024
Tariffs for settlement and cash services for current accounts "Pravex Family" from 01.11.2024
Tariffs for settlement and cash servicing of PRAVEX FAMIGLIA current accounts from 01.01.2024
Tariffs for settlement and cash servicing of PRAVEX RECORD current accounts from 01.01.2024
Tariffs for settlement and cash servicing of PRAVEX RECORD current accounts from 21.08.2023
Tariffs for settlement and cash servicing of PRAVEX FAMIGLIA current accounts from 21.08.2023