
Voluntary type of third party liability insurance

On the 21.06.2019, «АХА Insurance» changed its name to «Insurance Company «ARX». According to the legislation in force, all documents of the Company issued, signed before June 20, 2019 are valid and continue to be in force. The main achievements for the year 2018:

No.1 by the amount of net insurance premiums and net insurance payments (according to the data of the National Financial Services Markets Regulation Commission among 245 insurance companies);

№1 by the overall amount of insurance premiums and payments under КАСКО;

The biggest taxpayer on the insurance market of Ukraine (according to data of «ТОP-100. Ratings of the Biggest»). The overall amount of taxes is UAH 153.8 mln.

Leader by expenses related to salaries in 2018 – UAH 259 mln.

Canadian holding Fairfax is owner of 100% shares of the companies of «АХА Insurance».

Voluntary insurance of liability to third parties.

What are the limits of full comprehencive insurance nowadays, trifles!

Voluntary civil responsibility insurance allows increasing total amount of compensation up to UAH 1 million by your choice!

Icon fond Member of the Individual Deposit Guarantee Fund
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