Secure safety deposit box
Voluntary insurance of property, financial risks and liability to third parties "Secure Safe"
Agreement term: 1 year
Territory of action: Ukraine
The object of insurance:
Keys to a safety deposit box
Property located inside bank safety deposit boxes;
Insurance payment (cost):
30% of the cost of leasing an individual safety deposit box *
* The final calculation of the cost of insurance depends on the size of the safety deposit box and the term of its lease.
Advantages of the program:
Minimization of expenses of the Client at the moment of registration of a bank safety deposit box. The client does not leave a significant amount as a pledge necessary for the execution of the lease agreement without the insurance of a loss/break of the key.
Reliable protection of the property of the Clients located in a bank safety deposit box in the event of unforeseen circumstances.
Two-time free recovery of the key to the bank cell during the year.