
Special rates for doctors


European personal loan


Mortgage for a doctor


Exclusive premium card


For private practice


PRAVEX ONLINE all in one


Bonus cards for family


Manage your time


Вартість пакету послуг


Free cash withdrawal within the limits in hryvnia in PRAVEX BANK branches


Free cash withdrawal within the limits in Ukraine and in Intesa Sanpaolo Group ATMs abroad


Non-commission currency conversion by cards


Free crediting of currency and hryvnia to the card


Free withdrawal of currency from the card in a PRAVEX BANK branch


4% on the balance on the Cumulative account in UAH

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Special rates for doctors:

• Free three-month trial of the service package

• The cost of the service package is UAH 300 / month, no fee is charged if the conditions of the Smart Pricing program are met: an average daily balance on the card account is more than UAH 25 thousand / month or the card purchases amount is more than UAH 7 thousand / month.

• Save on each $ or € spent paying by card abroad or online.

• Free cash withdrawal within the limits in PRAVEX BANK branches

• Free cash withdrawal within the limits at ATMs in Ukraine

• Free cash withdrawal within the limits at Intesa Sanpaolo Group ATMs abroad

• Free non-cash crediting of currency and hryvnia to the card

• Free currency cash withdrawal at a PRAVEX BANK branch

• Non-commission card currency conversion

• 25% discount on Swift transfers

• Free sms banking

• Safe deposit boxes rent for 1 year with a 25% discount

• Buy currency online

• Non-commission online forein currency sell at the ICMU

• Free account opening for an individual entrepreneur

• Free account servicing for an individual entrepreneur

• Free and easy transfer of funds from an individual entrepreneur account to personal accounts and cards

• Non-commission payments in national currency from an individual entrepreneur account

• Free crediting of funds to the account.


Up to 750 000 UAH


To 18.99% per annum in UAH


To 5 years


No Deposit and hidden fees

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European personal loan is your best chance to make your plans a reality or make your dream come true on unprecedentedly favorable terms. 

Don't miss it! 

Familiarize yourself with the terms of the European personal loan and submit an application

1. In case of using a consumer loan service, the Client shall return the loan amount, pay commissions and interest for using it according to the terms of the Agreement and the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine.
2. Possible consequences in case of non-fulfillment of contractual obligations by the Client:
2.1.Late fee: For an overdue monetary obligation (loan repayment, payment of interest or commissions, other payments), the Bank shall have the right to demand the payment of a late fee for each day of overdue in the amount of the double key rate of the National Bank of Ukraine that was in effect during the overdue period but not more than the amount established by law.
2.2. Losses: In case of violating the Agreement's terms by the Borrower, the unreliability of assurances provided by the Borrower or provision of assurances that are considered to have been repeated by the Borrower, he(she) shall compensate the Bank for the caused damages in full in excess of the amount of the penalty and late fee.
2.3. Other measures:
for the violation of certain obligations stipulated by the Agreement, the other amount of the interest rate stipulated by the Agreement shall be applied.
- in cases identified by the Agreement, the Bank shall have the right to demand the loan prepayment.
- entering information into the Credit Bureau / Credit Register of the National Bank of Ukraine and forming negative credit history, which can be taken into account by the Bank when taking a decision to issue a loan in the future.
- foreclosure on pledged property according to the legislation of Ukraine and on other property of the Client.
3. The Bank shall be prohibited from demanding the Client to purchase any goods or services from the Bank or an associated entity, or a related party as a prerequisite for the provision of these services (except for the provision of a package of banking services).
4. The Bank shall not have the right to unilaterally introduce amendments to the agreements concluded with clients unless otherwise established by the agreement or law.
5. The Client can refuse to receive advertising materials via remote electronic servicing channels.

Up to 4 000 000 UAH


For 20 years


Rate from 12.99%

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Mortgage loan for doctors up to 4 000 000 UAH - enough live of each other on the head! 

a Private apartment for the price removable! Closely to live with relatives? Tired of paying rent? Time to change the living conditions!
mortgage PRAVEX BANK will allow you to pay for my apartment as much as you pay for removable.

Read and apply

1. In case of using a consumer loan service, the Client shall return the loan amount, pay commissions and interest for using it according to the terms of the Agreement and the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine. 
2. Possible consequences in case of non-fulfillment of contractual obligations by the Client: 
2.1.Late fee: For an overdue monetary obligation (loan repayment, payment of interest or commissions, other payments), the Bank shall have the right to demand the payment of a late fee for each day of overdue in the amount of the double key rate of the National Bank of Ukraine that was in effect during the overdue period but not more than the amount established by law. 
2.2. Losses: In case of violating the Agreement's terms by the Borrower, the unreliability of assurances provided by the Borrower or provision of assurances that are considered to have been repeated by the Borrower, he(she) shall compensate the Bank for the caused damages in full in excess of the amount of the penalty and late fee. 
2.3. Other measures: 
for the violation of certain obligations stipulated by the Agreement, the other amount of the interest rate stipulated by the Agreement shall be applied. 
- in cases identified by the Agreement, the Bank shall have the right to demand the loan prepayment. 
- entering information into the Credit Bureau / Credit Register of the National Bank of Ukraine and forming negative credit history, which can be taken into account by the Bank when taking a decision to issue a loan in the future. 
- foreclosure on pledged property according to the legislation of Ukraine and on other property of the Client. 
3. The Bank shall be prohibited from demanding the Client to purchase any goods or services from the Bank or an associated entity, or a related party as a prerequisite for the provision of these services (except for the provision of a package of banking services). 
4. The Bank shall not have the right to unilaterally introduce amendments to the agreements concluded with clients unless otherwise established by the agreement or law. 
5. The Client can refuse to receive advertising materials via remote electronic servicing channels. 

Credit limit of up to 450 000 UAH.


60 days grace period


Best interest rate

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Map highlights the professional status of the doctor


Free account maintenance


Free payments in the national currency


Free opening of accounts in national and foreign currency


Free transfer from the merchant account to the personal accounts and cards

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Management accounts of the entrepreneur and natural person

Regular payments

Creation of payment templates

the currency

Free card with cards of other banks

Free transfers between cards of family members

Transfers from cards of other banks only 0,4% + 5 UAH.

the Information on accounts and cards, deposits and loans

Free transfers

Manage maps

Convenient payment of bills and utilities, Internet, TV, and the like.


The accounts of the entrepreneur and natural person


Free cards with cards of other banks


Information on accounts and cards, deposits and loans


Convenient payment of bills and utilities. Internet, TV, etc


Transfers between cards of other banks only 0,4% + 5 UAH.


Free transfers between cards of family members


Free non-cash payments


Creating payment templates


Contactless chip cards Platinum MasterCard and/or Visa in rubles, $, € on the choice


1 200 international Lounges DRAGON PASS with your Visa Platinum card for free twice a year


Free access to business Lounges for Mastercard and Fast Line at the airport Borispol with card Platinum Mastercard


The service 3D Secure for secure payments in the Internet


Free sms banking


Mastercard Concierge


Visa Concierge for holders of Visa premium cards

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FOR MASTERCARD CONCIERGE PLATINUM and Visa Concierge for holders of premium Visa cards

  • Informational and advisory requests: search for contacts of any institutions (shops, hospitals, etc.), background information on various events; other background information.
  • Organizational requests: reservation of seats in restaurants, ordering food, flowers, medicine; selection and systematization of necessary information; search for goods and services.
  • Travel: organization of travel; purchasing tickets; selection and booking of hotels; assistance in finding lost luggage; rental of transfers.

Щомісячна оплата за пакет 300 грн/міс або 450 грн/міс


Free replenishment of cards in "City24" terminals


Безкоштовне поповнення карток в терміналах "EasyPay"

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На Ваш вибір щомісячна плата за пакет:

1. Щомісячна оплата за пакет: 300 грн/міс. (або 450 грн/міс., у вартість вже входить 1 картка Visa Signature або Mastercard World Elite). *сума може змінюватись в залежності від обраних клієнтом додаткових послуг та\або виконання умов Smart Pricing:

  • - 3 місяці безкоштовний пільговий період користування пакетом;
  • - з 4-го місяця починає нараховуватися щомісячна плата із «Smart Pricing».

2. Щомісячна оплата не стягується при виконанні одного з умов «Smart Pricing»: середньоденні залишки на картрахунку від 25 тис.грн екв./місяць або сума покупок карткою від 7 тис.грн екв./місяць. При аналізі нарахування щомісячної плати враховуються також Ваші залишки/торговий оборот на картках в іноземній валюті.


Відкриття карткових рахунків клієнту та членам його родини в UAH, USD, EUR

0 грн

Випуск основних та додаткових чіпових безконтактних платіжних карток 4 шт Visa Platinum/Mastercard Platinum, 3 шт Visa Classic

0 грн

Відкриття поточних рахунків «Правекс Фамільний» клієнту та членам його родини в UAH, USD, EUR

0 грн

Користування послугою SMS-банкінг

0 грн

Користування системою PRAVEX ONLINE

0 грн

Додаткові послуги, такі як: поліс добровільного медичного страхування (програма "Комфорт" (1 особа) або "Сімейна" (3 особи)), поліс страхування виїжджаючих за кордон (Travel VIP Bank з Covid-2019) (1 особа), поліс добровільного страхування майна (захист від шахрайства) (1-2 платіжні картки), послуга «Особистий асистент» (3 особи) та інші не входять у щомісячну вартість базового пакету банківських послуг й сплачуються окремо згідно діючих тарифів Банку.